Core Grid Technology
The Core Grid Technology group is engaged in the following R&D subjects.
1) Development of secure and high-performance, common grid core technology
2) Expansion of the grid core technology in cooperation with the Computing and Data Grid Technology groups
3) Development of the data grid technology, which allows high-performance sensors including MEG analyzers and ultra high voltage electron microscopes to analyze the subjects and samples in real time and establishment of the infrastructure for data sharing

Computing Grid Technology
The Computing Grid Technology group is vigorously pushing forward specific R&D projects to identify and solve problems with implementation of the technologies mentioned 1) and 2) and their flexible integration into the data grid in the course of actual jobs.
1) Technology for fast processing of certain computations on homogeneous parallel computers
2) Technology for heterogeneous distributed computation for distributing individual computation tasks to different types of computers

Data Grid Technology
1) Development of the technology for building a common-core database platform on the grid
2) Development of the search technology common to numerous heterogeneous databases
3) Development of the large-scale text database search technology
4) Development of the high-order database search technology using technical know-how
Additionally, it is also the group's object to identify and solve problems with four projects mentioned above in the practical process of building the database system using actual data and searching target data.

Remote Data Collection System Technology
The Technological Development for Remote Data Collection System Technology group is making efforts to develop the technology for remote data collection, analysis, and sharing by connecting high-performance experimental devices to the grid core system. Specifically, the following subjects are being addressed.
1) Technological development for the data grid system, which will support the remote interaction with high-performance sensors. In addition, enhancement of the infrastructural environment, enabling us to share the know-how of practical application of the results from analyses and sensors.
2) Development of the remote collection system for data resulting from protein crystallographic structure analysis in the grid environment, aiming at facilitation of the protein crystallographic structure analysis project conducted in "SPring-8".

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